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How to Avoid Type 2 Money Mistakes

Not all mistakes are the same. learn the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 mistakes as well as how to identify the more dangerous ones, Type 2, and avoid them at all costs.

Why I Love Dividend Investing

I love dividend investing even though it's not the optimal way to invest for the long term. I love it for the cashflow (as income insurance), stability, and more.

What are the risks of index investing?

Index funds are the darling of the personal finance world but are they without risk? We look at what to consider when you invest in index funds, where they are appropriate, and what risks you should remember.

What Most People Get Wrong About Their Risk Tolerance

What is your risk tolerance? I bet a brokerage has asked you that question and you had no idea - or you put something but aren't sure if it's correct. Today, learn what most people get wrong about their ability to tolerate market volatility.

Do You Have a Treasure Map?

A Treasure Map is a guide to your finances in case you are unable to explain it due to death, disability, or disappearance. Learn what you should put in it to make it easier for the ones you love.

Avoid Status Games

Status games are expensive and you may not even consciously realize you're playing them. Here's how to stop and reclaim your life.

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